Several months ago I joined the Indiespensable program from Portland's famous Powell's Books. Here's how they describe it:
"Powell's subscription club delivers the best new books, with special attention to leading independent publishers. Signed first editions. Inventive, original sets. Exclusive printings.... Every six weeks, another installment to read and admire."
Indiespensable's Volume 4 just arrived today, the second package I've received since I joined the program. Here's what I got:
Clown Girl, a little comic and a keychain
Limited edition + author info cards
Autographed, plus a squooshy chicken keychain with simulated egg-laying action
I gotta say, this is a much more rewarding experience than walking in to a bookstore or the library. I worked in the music industry for years and you would have thought entire careers could have been made with just the right free, themed schwag to celebrate a new record release, so even though this keychain is kind of horrifying in person, I applaud how perfect it is for the book cover.
For those of you who love books, love getting packages in the mail and have some disposable income, I highly recommend signing up for Indiespensable.