All this week I've been writing about buying local and buying directly from artists and makers. So I'm excited to tell my blog readers in San Francisco about some of this weekend's opportunities to do just that.
The Capsule Design Festival is back this Sunday in my gorgeous neighborhood of Hayes Valley:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
11:00 am ‘til 6:00 pm
Hayes Valley Park
Octavia and Hayes Streets, San Francisco, CA 94102
Sunday's event will feature 160 clothing, jewelry, children's, lifestyle and accessory designers so you're bound to find something you love. Check out the complete list of designers. This video shows an aerial view from the event they held this past spring.
SF Open Studios continues this weekend. Weekend 3 concentrates in the following neighborhoods: Bernal Heights, Castro, Duboce, Eureka Valley, Glen Park, Mission, Noe Valley, Portola. I'm planning on stopping by Art Explosion Studios in the Mission, which offers a chance to see well over 100 artists across three locations which are within walking distance of each other.
Also on Sunday is the 20th Annual Festival on the Hill in my old 'hood, Bernal Heights. Reason I mention this is because a band I heard last Sunday at Indie Mart, Blue Rabbit, is playing the festival at 12:45pm. Blue Rabbit is fronted by three women, with Heather penning the songs and Sarah and Arami cooking up some gorgeous lead harmonies. Their playfulness and beautiful blending of voices remind me a little bit of Tilly and the Wall, but the addition of a cello player adds a moodiness to the music. A very fun band to see live.
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